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        Light Sources

        2W Xenon lamp

        ModelXYM 2020



        • Xenon light source with fiber coupling output.

          Work in pulse mode with adjustable repetition.

          Easily integrated with spectrometers and other devices. 

          Mass production for industrial applications with excellent thermal stability and vibration resistance.

          Compact and cost effective.

          Default fiber interface is SMA905, other fiber interfaces such as FC etc. are optional. 

        • Xenon light source with fiber coupling output.

          Work in pulse mode with adjustable repetition.

          Easily integrated with spectrometers and other devices. 

          Mass production for industrial applications with excellent thermal stability and vibration resistance.

          Compact and cost effective.

          Default fiber interface is SMA905, other fiber interfaces such as FC etc. are optional. 

        • Items Specifications Units
          Wavelength Range 185-2500 nm
          Fiber Connector SMA905
          Power Supply DC12/1.5 V/A
          Lamp Power 2 W
          Pulse Repetition Max 72 Hz
          Trigger Input Resistance 330 Ω
          Stability 1.50%
          Life Time 10^9 times
          Dimensions 42x46x53 mm
          Operating Temperature 0-45 °C

        • Environmental inspection: inspection of water quality and air pollution

          Spectral analysis

          Instrument lighting

          Online inspections

          R & D in science and technology


        • Please submit your basic information, we will reply you as soon as possible!





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